Our R-D Processes
The heart of our production facility is undoubtedly our R&D center, where we develop nutritional supplements, namely over-the-counter (OTC) products such as vitamins and minerals.
Embracing the functional medicine approach and prioritizing human health, we ensure to employ state-of-the-art technologies.
We use imported raw materials whose purity and reliability are verified by German laboratories.
Our continuous research aims to combine the purest formulas with the softest flavors to mask any unpalatable medicine taste or smell.
Our Advisory Board consists of specialty doctors, specialty pharmacists, and dietitians, and they strive to put the latest advice or practices included in the literature into practice with the help of our technical team. We are proud of and encouraged by the positive patient and client feedback we receive.

It is time to fully exploit the benefits of “Pure Science.”
Our R&D department is the driving force of our company and focuses on clear solutions.